
Showing posts from July, 2017

Exuberance in art

By learning you will teach By teaching you will learn A Latin proverb that about sums up the joy of teaching young eager minds As you know the whole idea of our blog is to explore things which give us joy,simple everyday things .And one such joy is teaching your craft to eager students,students who are there for the joy of learning,students who are probably at the same wave length as you and who eventually do you proud. Recently Parnika a regular student with Kanika painted a canvass about which we both agree that it is as amazing as colourful in depicting the joys of life.The simple colourful joys that life offers us ,something we keep trying to explore through our blog and art. It was as though that this painting was the epitome of all that we want to say in words.      Our colourful life,filled with various expressions ,various colours ,various experiences--a nuanced painting in its undertones yet simple at its first glance,just like us humans. Parnika kaur Be...

Au Revoir Cinderella

 One of the things that gives us maximum happiness is to be able to do things on our own.Even little kids as soon as they reach a certain age want to do things by themselves.The pleasure of that achievement no matter how little is different. But over the ages society has cast women in a particular mould of helpless beings who are unable to do certain things without the help of their male counterparts.For the past couple of decades no matter how hard women in various fields have tried and succeeded to break this notion and stormed all male bastions--yet ALAS! In very few cases the notion still persists. But again trust me breaking these ancient notions and achieving things without help is the biggest high,the biggest impetus.Showing to everyone that we are no more helpless Cinderella's but strong free-willed imaginative and hard working independent women. This bold painting is a dedication to all the women who have achieved and yet been mocked for their never die attitude.All the...

Mulier fortis

Thank you folks for missing our absence.We both were flattered by well wishers asking about the missing blog post for last week😊 We were sort of taking a break 💃🏻 Break from the numerous questions about an unmarried artist and her fabulous bohemian life😉 Like we emphasized in our last blog about the non glamorous part of being an artist--trust us being an unmarried independent woman in an Indian small town is no walk in the park either. It's like this painting--you have to be a tiger woman.woman enough to accept graciously your friends,and their support with their limitations and brave like a tiger to defend your reputation ,rights and especially your life of independence. India is an amalgam an amazing one of old and new and in the microcosm of a small town these dissections are even more pronounced. There is an unrelenting support system which is there with you no matter what but there are also numerous scathingly judgemental issues and people to be tackled as well...