Mulier fortis

Thank you folks for missing our absence.We both were flattered by well wishers asking about the missing blog post for last week😊
We were sort of taking a break 💃🏻
Break from the numerous questions about an unmarried artist and her fabulous bohemian life😉
Like we emphasized in our last blog about the non glamorous part of being an artist--trust us being an unmarried independent woman in an Indian small town is no walk in the park either.

It's like this painting--you have to be a tiger woman.woman enough to accept graciously your friends,and their support with their limitations and brave like a tiger to defend your reputation ,rights and especially your life of independence.
India is an amalgam an amazing one of old and new and in the microcosm of a small town these dissections are even more pronounced.
There is an unrelenting support system which is there with you no matter what but there are also numerous scathingly judgemental issues and people to be tackled as well😊
This painting that is why perfectly describes life of a female artist
Retaining womanhood and yet juggling issues at hand and defending oneself like a tigress😾
And just for those who are interested the black dress in this is from French Connection (well tiger woman has to feel feminine)😀
And the neckpiece is from our another gracious sponsors--MAHIRA JEWELS,New Delhi
You can message for address in case you are interested in their beautiful line.


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