Au Revoir Cinderella

 One of the things that gives us maximum happiness is to be able to do things on our own.Even little kids as soon as they reach a certain age want to do things by themselves.The pleasure of that achievement no matter how little is different. But over the ages society has cast women in a particular mould of helpless beings who are unable to do certain things without the help of their male counterparts.For the past couple of decades no matter how hard women in various fields have tried and succeeded to break this notion and stormed all male bastions--yet ALAS! In very few cases the notion still persists.
But again trust me breaking these ancient notions and achieving things without help is the biggest high,the biggest impetus.Showing to everyone that we are no more helpless Cinderella's but strong free-willed imaginative and hard working independent women.
This bold painting is a dedication to all the women who have achieved and yet been mocked for their never die attitude.All the women who have revelled in being bold yet society has only shamed them.
The modern day Cinderella living life on her own terms.

But does achieving something means that you have given up on the age old traditional values you were brought up with--DEFINITELY NO!Taking up a challenge independently doesnot make us slutty irreverent or forsaker of values.We are still the same old in our morals just the abilities have sharpened and our achievements are based on our morals and traditions only.
The neckpiece in the next picture is an ode to this statement --made from old antique coins it is but a newer rendition of the choker to go with modern sensibilities.A happy amalgam of old and new like the women of today!So AuRevoir Cinderella and welcome  new age woman!
Go girl go find the happiness in doing things on your own,go find the satisfaction of achievement on your own.And in the process if you earn some mullah feel free to splurge on the neckpiece😀😉

Available at Anaghaartsnjewels
Ph+91 98783 98052
Happy Achieving 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


  1. Awesomely Xxxpressed Kanika....Woe is Man, if it were not for the Woman !
    Doing what she wants, the way she wants, at her cost is the pride and privilege of every human (man or woman, no bar). Yes, there are barriers but those are only in the mind of a fairly large lot, that is prone to the mundanes of existence. They neither aspire to lead, nor have the will to follow. Being Man enough, Im part of the inner core of 2 strong woman organisations - WIFT (Women in Film & Televsion) and WJA (Woman Jewellers Association). My best mentors have been 2 women, who have driven me to become a taskmaster. And i have never looked at them as competition or held back my ire or agony considering their sex. In fact, quite a few have a natural advantage that allows them to be able to handle some tasks so resourcefully well, that it puts the man to shame. Stay Strong...and Rooted !!
    Navin Sadarangani |


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