
Showing posts from September, 2017


Feeling good about ourselves is the biggest high on this earth ,a feeling that is incomparable to any other.A fact we all know😉Right.Looking good,shopping,going to the parlour or spa for some me time all are activities which make us feel good.Another fact we all know so well 😉Right.     But there is another arena which makes us feel really really good ,is in fact the biggest feel good factor and we all do know about it but very few of us explore--making others feel good or helping others.A little effort or assistance and the eruption of serotonin in our own brain too. Making us happy seeing the smile on another's face,a smile for which we are responsible. I experienced this high recently when a few of us friends treated the kids at the Red Cross Bhawan orphanage to a lunch. The way they mingled with us,playing around, distributing laughter and smiles was an amazing experience.I am sure many of us do this on our kids birthdays or anniversaries .But the whole experienc...

Appetising savoury healthy

Anyone who has been following our blog would know that we are all about mundane things that make us feel good,alive and rejuvenated.    Cooking we discovered is one such relaxing hobby which de stresses amazingly.As much as a good dish or dessert can fulfill your gastronomical need ,a well presented one can satisfy your sense of sight and smell but actually cooking one can give you a sense of achievement and accomplishment.The whole process of gathering ingredients,cutting chopping,cooking or baking and finally presenting is a very relaxing and a rewarding experience.    And in a bid to give our readers the best of this experience we contacted one of the best cooking expert the city has to offer--Shanu Sharma.Though running her own institute in rishi nahar this young lady to her credit has taken classes from colleges to university to several schools and institutes and spreading with aplomb the calm and expertise of her varied yet easy to make recipes.

Bonus magister

Teachers day -exciting and reverberating of my student's performances in the past year.Agreed I am not driven like regular teachers by mark sheets and results.But then again more fluid the line of teaching I guess higher the expectations.Because art cannot be contained so neither can its results be pronounced.Rather it is a slow and steady progression.But what makes the whole process worthwhile is your equation with your students and if that is A+ then obviously you not only have a great rapport but also fabulous students who make you love your work .     Furthermore all of the above translates into proud moments for the teacher and chilled atmosphere for the students. I would like to here focus on the joy of teaching and the focus on on this very renaissance piece of art recently completed by my student Rhidhima (on a short break from London School Of Fashion).          The gold accents in the painting totally resound with fun we both had imagi...